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Preparing Your HubSpot Account for 2024 Email Requirements

Preparing Your HubSpot Account for 2024 Email Requirements

In 2024, Yahoo and Google are stepping up their game by introducing mandatory sender authentication procedures to combat the ever-growing issue of unwanted, unsolicited email content, often referred to as SPAM. This change elevates previously suggested best practices to compulsory standards to strengthen sender credibility.

Beginning in February 2024, these tech giants will necessitate email authentication measures and enforce stricter policies regarding consent and engagement. Non-compliant senders may face consequences such as email delays, blocks, or their messages being relegated to the spam folder. Although these changes may appear abrupt, they are in line with long-standing recommendations for optimal email delivery.

The rising concern over spam and misuse has prompted mailbox providers to seek a balance between blocking unauthorized emails and allowing legitimate correspondence, enhancing user protection. If you're puzzled about the implications for your email strategy, don't worry! We've compiled a guide to help you navigate these changes, particularly focusing on HubSpot users.

HubSpot Marketing and Connected Email users must pay attention to three key requirements: authenticate emails using SPF, DKIM, and DMARC; facilitate straightforward email unsubscription; and ensure low spam rates by sending emails only to those who welcome them.

  1. Email Authentication: This process helps senders verify their legitimacy. Google and Yahoo will now require SPF, DKIM, and DMARC authentication. Emails lacking authentication might be rejected or marked as spam. It's essential to ensure that your email sending domain and 'from addresses' are correctly set up and authenticated. When using HubSpot Marketing Email, you'll receive a prompt if your email doesn't use a connected domain. Here are the steps to comply with authentication requirements in HubSpot:

    • Connect an email sending domain for DKIM setup.
    • Include HubSpot in your SPF record.
    • Implement a DMARC policy with HubSpot.

For those using different email sending platforms, consult your Network Administrator or IT team for DNS authentication guidance.

  1. Enable Easy Unsubscription: It's now crucial to make unsubscribing from emails effortless. Users shouldn't struggle to find the unsubscribe option. HubSpot already mandates unsubscribe links in marketing emails, but connected email accounts might not include them by default. Follow specific guidelines to add unsubscribe links to your individual emails.

  2. Send Desired Emails Only: Just as uninvited guests aren't welcomed in your home, emails should be sent only with explicit consent. Averaging spam complaints of 0.3% or higher can lead to delivery problems. Aim to keep spam complaint rates below 0.1%. HubSpot tracks Yahoo spam complaints within its app, but for Gmail, you'll need to use Google Postmaster Tools (GPT) for external monitoring of spam complaints and other email performance metrics.

The 2024 Google and Yahoo email requirements might seem overwhelming, but HubSpot is here to guide you through these changes. Feel free to ask questions or voice concerns in the community post. Meanwhile, familiarize yourself with Google's official guidelines, and remember, we're in this together!

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