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Press Release: Free Digital Marketing Workshop Offered through SBDC

Deer Park, Texas - Daybreak Digital Marketing has partnered with the Small Business Development Council (SBDC) to deliver free digital marketing workshops to local small business owners.  The first of these free workshops was offered on Wednesday, February 23, 2022. 

The first workshop, entitled "Simple Strategies for Digital Marketing Success" was lead by Daybreak Digital Marketing Owner, Robby Day.

The "Simple Strategies for Digital Marketing Success" workshop introduces participants to the foundation elements of successful digital marketing.  Topics covered include:

  • Brand Messaging
  • Audience Targeting
  • Smart Design
  • Online Visibility (SEO)

Daybreak Digital Marketing plans to continue offering this free workshop in partnership with the SBDC.  Additionally, this workshop is being made available to area business and civic organization upon request.  To inquire about workshop availability for your next event, contact Daybreak Digital Marketing at info@daybreak-marketing.com

Based in Pearland, Texas, Daybreak Digital Marketing delivers informed guidance to help local businesses attract the best customers.  Launching in January of 2020, Daybreak Digital Marketing is a collective of talented, independent, local creative professionals.  Daybreak Digital Marketing is Pearland's best reviewed digital marketing agency, offering services that include web design, web development, search engine optimization, graphic design, and digital advertising services.


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